Delivery Information

When will my order ship?

We ship items out as soon as possible, but this will not always be the same day as your order. Please allow 2-3 business days for processing time. 

If you have any questions about the lead time on a specific item, please contact us at [email protected] with your questions.

You should receive an email confirming your order shortly after you’ve placed it. If you don’t receive that email, please check your spam folder and see if you can locate it.  This is especially important because if you haven’t received the order confirmation email, you also won’t receive the email with your shipment notification.

What should I know?

CETECH Ghana ships to specific Ghanaian regions & cities.

All orders made from CETECH Ghana Store should be signed upon delivery, therefore please plan accordingly.

CETECH Ghana will be closed on public holidays and Sundays. Orders will not be shipped on those days, but you can still order through the website as usual.


Shipping Metods Rate Max Charge
FedEx 10% of order value $299
FedEx, Signature Required 10% of order value + $20 $299 + $20
In-Home Delivery $299 per trip $299
In-Home Delivery, Time-Specific $399 per trip $299

Delivery time

Goods are delivered to the countries or territories specified in the relevant section of Delivery times are specified on or during the purchasing process.

Unless otherwise specified on or agreed with Users, Products shall be delivered within seven (7) days from purchase. Moreover, we provide free delivery for orders above a certain threshold to specific states, should your address be too far from one of our locations, a delivery charge might be incurred.